About Us
Creative Empowerment of Hampton Roads (CEHR), LLC, a 501 (C)3 organization accepted our Corporate Social Responsibility in May 2003 over 18 years ago. We are located in the city of Norfolk, Virginia. We encourage youth, adult and senior individuals that are underrepresented, displaced and disadvantaged. We fully believe in the methodology of Collective Impact for change by aligning with entities to ensure desired outcome for community advancements through demonstrating synergy, commitment and creative innovation.
CEHR overcomes and or eradicate shortfalls in education, economic and psycho-social barriers that challenges youth, college student and adult learners, and military personnel with identified objectives.
To wholistically empower stronger and healthier individuals, families and communities, and corporations as the leading 21st Century workforce development corporation Champion state and nationwide with desirable evidence-based outcomes using Informatics.
To clearly identify, standardize and replicate sustainable best practices for grass root, mid-size and large organizations to reduce and or elevate economic-social challenges within geographies of society that share our vision.
To support and drive mission by creatively empowering innovation through Soft skills, S.T.E.A.M. awareness, education and training continuum ~ not excluding employment and internship opportunities.
Client-centered--- Respect, hear and confirm for best interest
Service Excellence--- Unity for customer satisfaction
Empowerment--- Internal and external support
Development--- Personal, professional and organizational